Lesson 8 and 10 Hacks
Define an Iteration an iteration is a loop that goes on and on until a condition is met.
Make your own example of an iteration with at least 4 steps and a stopping condition(Similar to mine that I did) An example could be that you do a multiple choice quiz that has unlimited tries and you keep taking the quiz over and over until you get 100%, or at least the score you want.
- you take the quiz for the first time
- you realize that you get a 70%
- you try again
- you get an 80%
- you try again until you get the score that you want.
- Program a simple iteration:
iterable = [1, 2, 3, 4]
for num in iterable:
- What is an iteration statement, in your own words? An iteration statement is basically a loop that goes on and on until a condition is met
- Create a descending list of numbers using for loop
iterable = [4, 3, 2, 1]
for num in iterable:
Using while loop, make a list of numbers which will form an output of 3,16,29,42,55,68,81
n = 81
i = 3
while i <= n:
Part 1
nums = ['38', '45', '67', '83', '78']
minimum = min(nums)
Part 2
procedures and Procedure calls
- It takes zero or more arguments
- The procedures in college board are block statements
- The return statemen may appear at any point inside the procedure and causes an immediate retrn from the procedure back to the calling statement
- It basically gives directions to move left or right. Or rotate it 90 degrees or something like that. Then I think it is kind of like the turtle function where you can actually see a figure moving to those commands
Listing Operations
- there are several ways that you can list things:
- [value1, value2, value3]
- there are a few more ways to do a list but the one above is the most common way to do it.
Relational and Boolean Operators
- It evaluates true if the condition is false; otherwise evaluates to false
- Boolean are true and false statements
- the AND and OR statements compare the two conditions and that is a boolean statement because it is a true or false comparison type of statement.