Kathyleen Beveridge

  • Born in Vietnam :D
  • She didn’t have the traditional education like most people
  • Undergrad at Santa Clara
  • NBA at USC (not traditional since she waited to get NBA)
  • Studied abroad in Spain
  • she lived in the Bay Area and had the opportunity to live abroad
  • Maya angelou: my mission in life is not nearly to survive, but to thrive, and share my passion
  • She worked at 3 companies for a long time
  • Create technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere
  • She like working with people like us to make an impact on the world
  • A priority is doing something that the world wants
  • What she did in her companies had a macro impact on the world
  • She is senior director of marketing and sales and works closely with the R&D director
  • Finance degree
  • Maya Angelou poet
  • First job = Investment banker w Wells Fargo (didn’t enjoy it)
  • Switched careers to high tech
  • First tech job was at HP
  • Took six months off and worked at Qualcomm
  • Works at Thermo Fisher Scientific (25,000 employees upping to 125,000) < she is senior director of marketing and sales
  • Similarities in mission statements= tech for good of the people, use tech to help people
  • Loves high tech because she loves the impact (global/macro effect) in producing products for people in the world
  • Her role: senior director of marketing and commercial sales= works with rnd director (stage gates = voice of customers)
  • People in her team work w the “scrum master” and uses “scrum process/team” (frontend/backend/etc) to create plan and promote products

  • HP: “Create technology that makes life better for everyone, everywhere”

  • Qualcomm: “Inventing tech the world loves”

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific: “Enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer”

Kris Porter:

  • Software engineer (SRE, DevOps, Infrastructure) <- not writing code all day
  • UCLA for Elecrtrical Engineering
  • Failed first computer science (stay motivated and don’t have to know where in tech degree you want)
  • Masters degree in electrical engineering from cal state LA
  • Job where fixed computers/tech
  • Got job at start up GPM (email marketing automation which was like DevOps)
  • Worked at NBC Universal (streaming media infrastructure)
  • He moved down here because his girlfriend moved here
  • Worked at Qualcomm (forced Mort to hire him LMAO)
  • Dev ops job, automation
  • 2 years ago started working at twitter
  • worked on API which requested from client and retrieve info from all users and resurface important stuff back to client
  • He has worked at a whole bunch of different places and he was always learning
  • Data structures/algorithms/Python/etc very important and used a lot rest API slowly moving to Graph QL at Twitter
  • Data scientists = analyze customer demand/use (also non-technical role)
  • Most important qualities in tech industry: continuous learning (learning how to learn), resilience (don’t fear stuff in the news), go for it (even if in job for short period of time = still learning and gaining skills), good listener (in normal terms) and then translate into tech

  • he moved all around California

  • He went to UCLA
  • He got C’s in his computer classes but still ended up taking it as a career
  • Learning the Linux operating system is a marketing skill
  • He started doing Dev Ops stuff, meaning he deployed his software
  • Focused on Communication Systems and Computer Networks
  • (Cs 31) Failed…

  • Enjoyed stem classes at Livermore High School

  • Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Cal State LA
  • POV if you feel like you’re bad a comp sci = KEEP SLAYING
  • Researched networked sensors (robot swings between trees and scans/takes data on environment) < deployed in Costa Rica jungle
  • Learned about Linux here
  • Was introduced to Qualcolmm in 2014 (Mr. Mort. hired him :0)
  • Currently works for Twitter (#workedforElonsince2021)
  • Twitter timeline = API that goes to twitter database and retrieves info from many users)
  • Twitter used to use all rest APIS but now moving to GraphQL
  • He continues to learn (doesn’t get bored in industry)
  • you don’t have to follow one path, you can learn in many different areas
  • Twitter trains new employees for three weeks
  • Streaming Media Infrastructure for 2012 Olympic Games.

  • Center for Embedded Networked Centers

  • Networked Info Mechanical Systems (NIMS)
  • Twitter Projects
  • New DataCenter Deployment
  • Migrating HomeTimeline to GraphQL


  • Planned in a group with other engineers to coordinate in Agile Methodology
  • Short sprints
  • different engineers worked together to plan things
  • The concept of agile is important because they did projects in a span of 6-12 months
  • When you see a company shuffle = look for new jobs DON’T WAIT
  • Qualcomm uses GitLab = repositories cost money = analyzed download levels to predict when to archive/delete repositories
  • Kathyleen uses databases and data science to predict sales, weather (wine harvest), etc. Non-technical roles = recommending clients to buy certain things/do things

Most Important skill to have in the tech industry?


  • Continuous Learning
  • Learn multiple programming languages
  • “Learn how to learn” = always be ready to learn more
  • Don’t be super concerned about things you read on the news (resiliance)
  • The only risk is not learning


  • Be adaptive
  • Career paths won’t always be a straight line
  • Best technicians: listen and solve technical requirements (can explain in non-technical terms)
  • Something they had to Learn:
  • To be adaptive
  • Be able to pass code tests (code has to work)

Work/life balance:

  • Some companies are great with work hours
  • Some have a lot of hours/deadlines
  • If you have outside hobbies/necessities = set boundaries