1.3 and 1.4

  • Algorithms are basically sequences of code

  • An iteration is a loop that does something over and over until the certain condition is met

  • There are also symbols used to calculate math operations. (*) for multiplication, (/) is for division.

  • An algorithm is a finite set of instructions that accomplish a task

  • Three are three parts of an algorithm; sequencing, selection, and iteration

  • Selection allows the algorithm to make decisions based on whether the condition is met

  • the function len(str) means that it will return the number of letters, or characters in that string. The len stands for length.

  • a substring gives the length of the entire string. That is the output

  • the concat funtion is having two strings and addding them together to make one string, or word.

  • A sequence is code in order of events


This is an example of using math expressions. I don't really understand the % symbol, mostly because I don't really know what MOD meant. I think it means remainder. So for this one I have to figuree out what num2 equals and num3 before I proceed to solving for the result. The answer is three.